CHI2003 - New Horizons

CHI 2003 Tutorial Schedule

CHI 2003 Tutorial Schedule

Saturday Evening

  1. Human-Computer Interaction: Introduction and Overview
    Keith A. Butler (Boeing Mathematics & Computing Technology), Rob Jacob (Tufts University), Dave Kieras (University of Michigan)
    This tutorial is a tried-and-true introduction to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). It has become a CHI conference tradition. If you are a newcomer to the CHI field, this tutorial will give you the background you need for the conference.
    Sample Slides

  2. Something Old, Something New: Designing for the Aging Population
    Krista Coleman (Enhanced Mobility Technologies), Shelly Heller (George Washington University), Laura Leventhal (Bowling Green State University)
    CHI members are the designers of the computer-based tools, programs and devices that could be used by the aging population. They are also the evaluators of these tools and programs. Participants in the tutorial will better understand the dynamic and interrelated nature of social, physical and psychological characteristics of aging, which can impact CHI and computer use and explain why the elderly are not easily represented by universal accessibility issues.
    Sample Slides

  3. Attentional and Nonattentional Processes in Vision: Implications for Display Design
    Ronald A. Rensink (University of British Columbia)
    This tutorial will present several important breakthroughs that have been made in vision science over the past decade. Discussion will then turn to ways that these developments might be used to improve user interaction with visual displays.
    Sample Slides

Sunday, Full-Day

  1. Subjective Approaches to Design for Everyday Life
    William W. Gaver, Andrew Boucher, Sarah Pennington, Brendan Walker (Royal College of Art)
    This tutorial introduces an approach to developing designs that reflect the idiosyncrasies of everyday life. It emphasizes design exercises in which participants develop their own speculative proposals based on inspirational research.
    Sample Slides

  2. Styling the New Web: Web Usability with Style Sheets
    Steven Pemberton (CWI, Amsterdam)
    This full-day tutorial shows how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to style the presentation of web pages using HTML, XHTML (the new HTML) and XML, and how this helps usability.
    HTML/CSS Demonstration

  3. Web Sites That Work: Designing With Your Eyes Open
    Jared M. Spool, Christine Perfetti, Josh Porter (User Interface Engineering)
    This tutorial will help you see where users are having problems and what you can do to help them succeed. We'll take a detailed look at information scent, navigation, branding, download time, advanced test techniques, and new interaction tools, such as Flash and SVG.

  4. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
    Brian Bomeisler (DRSBInc.)
    Learning to draw means learning to see things differently - to see in ways not used in ordinary life. Once learned drawing can be used to record what you see either in reality or in your mind's eye, in a manner not totally unlike the way we can record our thoughts and ideas in words. In intensive workshops designed exclusively for corporations, participants are taught the skills necessary for realistic and expressive drawing - and it is these skills that enable high level creative thinking and problem-solving.

  5. Cognitive Factors in Design: Basic Human Memory and Problem Solving
    Thomas T. Hewett (Drexel University)
    You will learn some theoretical and practical aspects of how people remember information and how they solve problems. You will gain insights about how to take advantage of some of these capabilities in designing for your most important interaction component, the human mind. The course is not intended for the person seeking "instant" or pre-packaged solutions for the problems of this week's project.
    Sample Slides

  6. Understanding Work in Context: Practical Observation Skills
    Susan M. Dray (Dray & Associates, Inc.)
    In this practical, hands-on class, you will learn how to use naturalistic observation, contextual inquiry & artifact walkthrough to observe users in their work context so you can know their real needs & so your designs are more 'customer-friendly'.
    Sample Slides

  7. Designing Flexible, Accessible Interfaces That Are More Usable by Everyone
    Gregg C. Vanderheiden (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Shawn Henry (UI Access)
    Hands-on experience of problems with IT products faced by people who are aging or have disabilities, along with presentations of specific design techniques to address these problems in a commercially practical way. Activities and exercises teach the essentials of accessible design.
    Sample Slides Please contact Trace Center (608-263-1156) for an accessible version of the materials.

  8. Discovering User Needs: Field Techniques You Can Use
    Kate Gomoll (GE Medical Systems), Ellen Story (Gomoll Research & Design)
    Successful companies conduct field studies to gain a competitive edge. By conducting a field study during class, you'll learn how to plan a study, what to look for, and how to analyze the data. You'll learn how to observe users and collect key information to feed into your design.
    Sample Slides

  9. Information Visualization: Principles, Promise, and Pragmatics
    Marti Hearst (UC Berkeley)
    Information visualization can shed understanding on large or abstract data sets. In this tutorial, learn about the factors that contribute to success or lack thereof in design of user interfaces that include information visualization.
    Sample Slides

  10. Collaboration Technology in Teams, Organizations, and Communities
    Steven Poltrock (The Boeing Company), Jonathan Grudin (Microsoft Research)
    People work and play together in different social settings, and this effects how they communicate, share information, and coordinate with one another. Learn about technologies being used to support groups, organizations, and communities. Understand the human-computer interaction challenges in developing and deploying these technologies, and anticipate their future evolution.
    Sample Slides

  11. Setting Usability Performance Requirements
    Nigel Bevan (Serco Usability Services)
    The tutorial will explain how to set usability performance requirements based on effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, which can be measured once a prototype is available. It will give practical examples of how the approach has been implemented in industry.
    Sample Slides

  12. Enhanced E-Learning Through Learner-Centric Design
    Sherry Hsi (Metacourse Inc.), Carolyn Gale (Stanford University)
    This is for those interested in learner-centric design who want to be exposed to practical e-learning, including characteristics of effective e-learning and the support provided by e-learning environments. A group design activity is the highlight.
    Sample Slides

  13. Handheld Usability: Design, Prototyping, & Usability for Mobile Devices
    Scott Weiss, Richard Martin (Usable Products Company)
    Handheld devices have small displays, awkward data input, and spotty connectivity. This tutorial addresses these challenges by applying user centered design techniques to applications for two-way email pagers, PDAs, and mobile telephone handsets.
    Sample Slides

  14. User Bias and Judgment: The Subjective Side of Decision-Making
    Paul Whitmore (E*Trade Financial)
    A research review relevant to interaction design, focused on the "heuristics and biases" of decision making. (The original work by Kahneman and Tversky will be included). See example topics at
    Sample Slides

Monday Morning

  1. An Introduction to Augmented Reality Research
    Mark Billinghurst (University of Canterbury)
    This tutorial provides a detailed overview of Augmented Reality research, with reviews of topics as such as tracking, interaction techniques, and hybrid AR interfaces. Participants will learn how to build their own AR interfaces and can try demonstrations of leading edge AR applications.
    Sample Slides

  2. Wireless Service Usability & Design
    Didier Chincholle (Ericsson Research)
    Designing effective wireless services is rapidly becoming a major issue for both service providers and device manufacturers. In this tutorial participants will be provided with an overview of the critical user experience issues that need to be addressed when designing for the coming generation devices and networks.
    Sample Slides

Monday Afternoon

  1. Web Search Engines: Algorithms and User Interfaces
    Krishna Bharat, Bay-Wei Chang (Google Inc.)
    Issues in designing interfaces for web search based on the technology underlying search engines. Opportunities and limitations of the web as a medium for information retrieval.
    Sample Slides

  2. Vision-based User Interfaces for Pervasive Computing
    Trevor Darrell (MIT)
    Vision-based interfaces allow pervasive and ubiquitous HCI systems to respond directly to the visual image of a human user. This course will survey the algorithms and techniques involved in vision-based perception of people, describe what performance is attainable in state-of-the art systems, and also discuss the privacy, freedom and safety implications of this new technology.
    Sample Slides

Monday, Full-Day

  1. Card-Based User and Task Modeling in Agile Usage-Centered Design
    Larry L. Constantine, Lucy A. D. Lockwood (Constantine & Lockwood, Ltd.)
    Streamlined but systematic modeling/design techniques using ordinary index cards for user role and task modeling, including card-storming, inventorying, abstract dialogs, cooperation clustering. Includes personas, scenarios, and other related models.
    Sample Slides

  2. Information Foraging
    Peter Pirolli, Stuart Card (Palo Alto Research Center)
    Participants will learn techniques of information foraging analysis for characterizing human information-seeking behavior. The objective is that participants should be able by the end of the tutorial to perform analyses in information foraging.
    Sample Slides

  3. Driving Invention from Field Data
    Karen Holtzblatt (InContext Enterprises, Inc.)
    This tutorial teaches you concrete and practical techniques for driving innovative design from field research. You will learn how qualitative data from field research drives real product and system design, and study examples of field data and the designs prompted by that data.
    Sample Slides

  4. Promoting, Establishing and Institutionalizing Usability Engineering
    Deborah J. Mayhew (Deborah J. Mayhew & Associates)
    The purpose of this tutorial is to teach strategies for: * Gaining the initial support you need to introduce usability engineering expertise, techniques and methods into your development organization. * Designing a usability engineering organization tailored to your company's organizational structure and corporate culture, and winning approval and funding to implement it. * Institutionalizing usability engineering within your development organization and development methodology. Strategies taught will apply to introducing Usability Engineering into any kind of software development organization.
    Sample Slides

  5. A Cognitive Approach to Interactive System Design
    Michael E. Atwood, Thomas T. Hewett (Drexel University)
    Designing useful and useable systems is an iterative process involving three phases: deciding what you need to do, doing it, and evaluating how well you did it. You will learn techniques for applying these phases, as well as an appreciation of the science and the art underlying them.
    Sample Slides

  6. High-Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Principles and Pitfalls
    Ron Baecker (University of Toronto)
    Principles for crafting a healthy growing business, including systematic innovation, choosing focus, characterizing opportunity, getting timing right, developing proprietary technology & products, and writing a business plan; illustrated by HCI entrepreneurs interpreting their experiences.
    Sample Slides

  7. Multimedia Design for the Web
    Alistair Sutcliffe, Leon Watts (UMIST)
    If you want to learn about the psychology for web UIs, specifying content and multimedia design for the web, this tutorial is for you. Covers principles and a method for design of multimedia that delivers attractive, motivating and usable web sites.
    Sample Slides

  8. Designing for Users with Special Needs
    Alan Edwards (Consultant), Alistair Edwards (University of York), Elizabeth Mynatt (Georgia Institute of Technology)
    You will learn how the fields of HCI and assistive technology can work together to design technology to enable all users. We will - discuss how we are all disabled and how interfaces should be designed for all users; survey five major types of impairments (mobility, vision, speech, hearing, and cognitive) and technology that addresses these impairments; review US and European legislation; discuss technology for elderly individuals; review design guidelines and you will participate in a group design problem. User interface designers, developers, managers, and researchers will find this tutorial of benefit.
    Sample Slides

  9. Usability and Beyond! Understanding Usefulness, Usability & Use
    Diane J. Schiano (Stanford University), Bonnie A. Nardi (Agilent Labs)
    Participants of all backgrounds are given guidance and grounding in user research design principles and procedures to aid in choosing methods, conducting studies, evaluating results, and making recommendations, even with limited resources.
    Sample Slides

  10. Recommender Systems: Interfaces and Technology
    Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl (University of Minnesota)
    This technology covers the personalization technology and application design issues of recommender systems. Participants in this interactive tutorial learn from case studies of deployed applications, distilled design principles, and application design exercises.
    Sample Slides

  1. Working with and Analyzing Qualitative Data People Choice Tutorial
    David A. Siegel, Susan M. Dray (Dray & Associates, Inc.)
    Usability and ethnographic studies can create huge amounts of qualitative data. Learn how to capture and analyze this data to make sure findings are valid, focused, and useful in design, and to avoid drowning in your data. Includes lecture, demo of software tools, and an engaging design exercise.
    Sample Slides

Monday Evening

  1. Web-Site Usability: The Big Picture 2003
    Jared M. Spool, Christine Perfetti, Will Schroeder (User Interface Engineering)

  2. Avoiding "We can't change that!": Software Architecture & Usability
    Bonnie E. John, Len Bass (Carnegie Mellon University)
    Usability concerns must be considered during the architectural design of a system just as concerns for performance, availability, security, etc., are considered. Students will learn to make informed architectural decisions that do not preclude delivery of a usable system.
    Sample Slides

  3. How To Motivate & Persuade Users: Influence in Everyday HCI
    B.J. Fogg (Stanford University)
    This tutorial teaches how computing products (from web sites to mobile applications) can be designed to influence people--to change what they think and do. You will learn 17 ways to motivate and persuade users as you explore a new frontier in HCI: persuasive technology.
    Sample Slides