CHI2003 - New Horizons

CHI 2003 Workshops


Workshops provide an extended forum for small groups (15-20 people) to exchange ideas on a specific topic of common interest. Workshops will be held on Sunday and Monday, 6 April and 7 April 2003.

Workshop Schedule

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Full-Day: 9:00 to 17:30

Workshop Participation

Workshop participants are selected on the basis of position papers submitted directly to a workshop's organizer. A position paper is generally 2-4 pages long and outlines the submitter's views on the workshop theme and the reasons for the submitter's interest in the topic. Check each workshop for specific information.

Position Paper Deadline

Position papers must be received by 17 January 2003. Submitters will be notified of selection by 7 February 2003. Accepted workshop participants will be charged a registration fee of US$150 for a one-day workshop and US$300 for a two-day workshop.

Workshop Registration

To take advantage of reduced conference fees, register for the conference by the early deadline 20 February 2003 even if you have not yet received notification of workshop acceptance. If you receive notification after registering for the conference, please send workshop payment to the Registration Office along with a note including the name of your workshop and your name, address, telephone, fax and email. If you receive notification of workshop acceptance before registering for the conference, you may register for the workshop on the conference registration form (also available online). Just complete the designated workshop section and include your workshop payment along with your conference payment.