If HCI knowledge and skills are central to your organization's competitiveness,
then you need to take advantage of the many opportunities being
offered at CHI 2003.
As the 21st CHI conference, CHI 2003 offers proven opportunities that
let your organization make thousands of delegates aware of your
commitment to high-quality interaction design.
attention to your organization in print and web publications, as well
as on conference bags, banners and displays.
Recruiting opportunitieslet you meet potential new colleagues.
Tutorials let you update your team members.
Workshops, Panels and SIGs let you address issues that determine your organization's competitiveness.
The conference exhibition lets you sell your products and services.
let you communicate your product's design and development to your peers.
If you develop products for children and young teens, then
offers further opportunities for you to see how potential buyers will react
to your products.